1. Who can donate eyes?
Anyone can donate eyes (after death) irrespective of age, sex, religion, caste, creed or blood group.

2. Do all religion approve eye donation?
Yes, eye donation is not prohibited in any religion.

3. Is the whole eye transplanted?
No, only the thin transparent layer of eye i.e, cornea is used for transplant.

4. Does eye donation disfigure the donor’s face?
No, the removal of the eyes does not produce disfigurement nor interfere with the customary funeral arrangements.

5. What conditions render the cornea unfit for donation?
Corneas of patients suffering from AIDS, rabies, syphilis, tetanus, septicemia and certain viral diseases are considered unfit for transplant purposes.

6. If someone has been operated for cataract or LASIK, will they be able to donate eyes?
Yes, post- cataract and post-LASIK patients can donate eyes. Their usage in recipient is different.

7. What about diabetes, hypertension or cancer patients?
People with these conditions can also donate their eyes. Eyes from a cancer patient are not used for transplant only if the cancer is disseminated in the body.

8. How quickly should eyes be removed after death?
As soon as possible. Eyes can be removed up to 6 hours after death.